Global Space For Innovative Minds

Jointly ensuring sustainable innovation for the generations to come.

New WIF 10 AI Accelerator

Batch no.10 with a whole new accelerator program.
Adjusted to the new world of Generative-AI
Adjusted to a new speed


Seeding Ingenuity 2024

in 2024 our business world is accelerating like never before -- and so will entrepreneurship

World Innovations Forum Foundation

World Innovations Forum Foundation

What we stand for

We embrace ingenuity as one of the most precious abilities of humankind. 

We facilitate a global exchange for all WIForum members through meetings, events, and community forums. We do not produce, consult or service.


  • Artificial Intelligence related innovation and transformation.
  • Human Intelligence Augmentation
  • Human Consciousness Augmentation
  • Strengthening human cognition
  • AI servicing humanity
  • Neuroscience and AI

Better understanding opportunities and risks. Better understanding meaningful applications in renewable energy, logistics, transportation, talent development, marketing, customer experience, production…
Identifying new ways to predict the future impact on any innovation and its possible impact on humanity and environment

Innovation is a key driver to reach the maximum human potential. Yet, a nation can only reach its maximum potential once all other nations reached theirs.

AI Startup Program


In 2014 we started the Society3 Accelerator, ran 9 startup batches and achieved the highest funding rate of all accelerators. Over time we conducted accelerators in Europe and Asia. In 2022 the founders engaged heavily in AI and launched BlueCallom’s first version of GPTBlue in February 2024


We are preparing for new AI Startup Program to help young entrepreneurs to participate, in what we think is the most significant innovation humanity brought forward so far. 

This program not only helps entrepreneurs understand the power of Generative AI. It is based on Gen-AI itself. Unique technology will hep startups perform, what has taken two years in the past do do it six months.

Stay tuned for what is coming.

WIF10 Accelerator
World Innovations Forum Foundation

World Innovations Forum Foundation 2024

Focus Year of Artifiial Inteligence

The World Innovations Forum Foundation extends its scope:

1)  2024 major focus is on AI and Generative AI
2)  Batch 10 is now WIF10 AI Accelerator
3)  Membership is now free
4)  Global digital foot print with a new digital community.
5) We don’t produce, consult or service – we facilitate connections collaboration and the global exchange.

World Innovations Forum Foundation – Events

By members for members

The future is the only timeframe we can influence. When innovative minds come together and discuss their visions, their market insights, and understand the megatrends, they can envision the future.

World Innovations Forum Foundation
World Innovations Forum’s global exchange

Get Involved

Joining the World Innovations Forum Foundation and have an opportunity to collaborate with the most amazing people and make the impossible a reality. World Innovations Forum Members are innovation thought leaders from any industry, any political system, any country, and any trade.

World Innovations Forum Foundation Partners

Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Supporting A global space for innovative minds
Partner of the World Innovations Forum
Partner of the World Innovations Forum
BlueCallom supporting a global space for innovative minds